Will Arbuckle @EdibleCastle


Creative Designer

Edinburgh, UK

Joined on 3/29/03

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EdibleCastle's News

Posted by EdibleCastle - July 30th, 2009


Just a quickie to let you all know that I've submitted Cuboy Episode 3 and at the time of this post it's sitting all pretty-like there on the front page (thanks NGs).


The previous episode was released around 2 years ago, which is shocking behaviour, but it's because we've been busy with work, worked on a few other projects and little things kept getting in my way, like a general lack of motivation.

A fair chunk of behind the scenes development was also done on the cartoon during the last year and you can see that in this episode, mainly with the introduction of a new character, Cuboy's smarmy co-worker, Ranksworth (voiced by the ultimate voice actor, Josh Tomar)

We've also released a new Cutoy in the form of Ringmaster Flannigan on the ediblecastle.com website. This one comes with a detachable tophat which only the fiddliest of fingers should attempt to assemble. Just how fiddly are your fingers? Mine were just about fiddly enough. I've also uploaded an update of the original Cuboy Cutoy. He comes with 3 different ties to choose from, including 1 blank tie for you to decorate yourself.

One last thing to mention is 'Back to the Cubeture'. It's a wholesome, fully voiced, point n click adventure game, embellished with mini games to wow and delight. It's also our first ever game so we're pretty excited about it.. more on this later!...

-Will 'just about fiddly enough' Arbuckle

Cuboy Episode 3

Posted by EdibleCastle - July 21st, 2009

Hello boys and girl,

We're just about finished episode 3 of Cuboy. It's only been 2 years since episode 2. I think I'm getting faster at this animatory nonsense.

Now I don't know if you remember, but in the 2nd episode's theme song (at the credits) Cuboy answered some questions. (how tall is your tie?, what does he play?, Can you grow facial hair?, How do you spell 'go'?)

Soon after episode 2 launched, we decided to have future questions asked by the fans themselves. And a few audio clips were submitted to our forums over at ediblecastle.com.

The problem is that this was about 2 years ago and most of the links to the audio have expired! gosh! So we need some new questions recorded if you feel up to it?

So, it's a kind of contest, with the modest prize being your voice in the theme song and your talents credited.

So if anyone is interested, and i really hope you are, we're accepting entries here:
http://www.ediblecastle.com/newforum/v iewtopic.php?f=4&t=8&start=0

Or if it's easier, you can email your question to will@ediblecastle.com

Cheers guys! (and gal)

Posted by EdibleCastle - February 24th, 2009

I'm not a big news poster, but I thought seeing how my activity levels on NGs have been so low recently I'd make a post just to keep some of the fans updated on where we are with things.

Cuboy Episode 3 script has been written and hopefully we will be recording the main dialogue audio this week. The episode is titled "Send in the Clown" and will introduce a new main character voiced by Josh Tomar!

It's definitely going to be the best episode yet, we've really taken our time over the script to get it juuuuust right.

In other 'news' the progress of our Cuboy-based action/adventure game is coming along at a steady pace. I would say we're 75% there and it's looking really sexy. Maybe too sexy.. we'll find out when the time comes.

One other little smidgen of info is that if you're on twitter, and want to stalk me, my screenname is willarbuckle. Who knows, maybe we can stalk each other. That's how it works online right?

Cheers boys (n girl(s))

Posted by EdibleCastle - August 9th, 2008



I can't believe it! It's gone!

I came in to the Edible Castle office today arm in arm with good ol Andy Dennis. We were really excited about submitting the 9th episode of The Edible Castle today and the final episode of Edible Castle tomorrow. This 10th episode was going to mark the end of the 1st series of these cartoons and like I said a week ago, it was going to be a very special episode indeed.

But our joy soon turned to horror as we found a note left on our desk (see below)

Curses! That pesky Wizard and his felonious tendencies! He's stolen the episode and we really need YOUR help to find it! He's not exactly a criminal mastermind so we're pretty confident we can track him down and get that episode on Newgrounds, where it belongs, as soon as possible. The more help we can get, the better, as a lot of talent contributed to this cartoon and we don't want to see it missing for long. Those involved in making the cartoon were Tom Fulp (Newgrounds), The Swain (Blockhead), Mike Parker (College University), Ego Raptor (Awesome Series), Chase Suddarth (Tomorrow's Nobodies), Dim (SuperFlashBros), Lazy Muffin (Nameless), me and Andy - so it's definitely worth the effort if you decide to help us out!

We're so keen on getting the episode back we're also issuing a small reward which includes:

- an Edible Castle shop item
- a 15 page Edible Castle sticker book
- a Newgrounds T-shirt
- Newgrounds stickers
- a Newgrounds AngryFaic key-chain
- the chance to both be in and voice act in an Edible Castle cartoon
- a collaborative piece of artwork by me and Andy
- and a 2 pence sterling coin (it's probably worth like $2000 or something, I'm not sure what the exchange rate is at the mo)

Knowing the Wizards sloppy, slap dash ways I'm sure he'll have left a clue around somewhere. And like the king said at the end of the 8th episode, he's been posting rather strange messages on the Edible Castle Kingdom Blog over at our website.

Let's hope one of you lot can find this episode asap! We really appreciate your help with this. Oh and don't forget to check out today's episode!

Cheers guys,
-Will and Andy


Posted by EdibleCastle - August 4th, 2008

On behalf of me and Andy, I'm finally able to add some worthwhile news here. We will be posting 7 episodes over on our site and here on Newgrounds, one a day for the next week.

This is also a special occasion as the 10th episode will mark the END OF THE FIRST SERIES OF EDIBLE CASTLE! And POSSIBLY the END OF THE SERIES, FULL STOP! CAPITAL LETTERS!

the 10th episode is ultra special and will contain animated gold from the likes of:

The Swain (Blockhead)

Mike Parker (College University)

Chase Suddarth (Tomorrow's Nobodies)

Ego Raptor (Awesome series)

Lazy Muffin (Nameless)

Dim (of Super Flash Bros)

Tom Fulp (of Newgrounds)

So it should get well received!!

- Will

Ps. here's a sneaky screenshot from the 10th episode...

Edible Castle Episodes 4-10

Posted by EdibleCastle - September 28th, 2007

Hey everyone, hows it going?

Cuboy episode 2 has just been submitted and I'd love you to have a wee look at it and perhaps review it or check out the new website

It took some time to complete this episode what with real work and lack of motivation getting in the way and I'm so relieved to have finally got it onto this here site. The theme song has also been upped and it's sitting in the audio portal if anyone wants it.

And speaking of the theme song, me and Andy worked out a permanent number for this episode. The interesting thing about the song is that it'll change slightly on each new episode. That's where you come in. We're wanting to get the fans involved and record some of their own lines for Cuboy to respond to. So if you want to get involved in future episodes, details about this can be found over at our site.

Getting back to the cartoon... bonus points if anyone recognises the cartoon on Boss's desk. It's a tricky one though. If you can't get it... dont worry... here's a lovely picture of Cuboy writer/actor Andy Dennis to calm you down:

Cuboy Ep2: Super Duper Trooper

Posted by EdibleCastle - August 7th, 2007

Hi, hows it going?

I'm just making a quick post to make anyone who cares aware of the new Edible Castle short which is currently playing on the Newgrounds bytesize player. It's practically the same length as the normal episodes, heh.

I'd also especially like to give Andy Dennis credit for the writing and voicing the short too, seeing how it only mentions my name on the player. Cheers Andy!

On another note, Cuboy episode 2 is underway and should be gracing NGs in the near future. It's looking good. I hope it goes down well.

Alright, cool, catch you later.
