Hello friendlies. So, we're nominated for a Mochi in the Best Puzzle Game category (weird to think of BTTC1 as a puzzle game.. but I s'pose it is, isn't it?). Thanks to anyone who may have nominated us for that!
One final request from those of you who care. It would be pretty freakin' sweet to be nominated for People's Choice Award as well. Can you make it happen?! Yeah, you! You with the big army of friends on Facebook all dying to click on a new link. Go on, spread the word!
http://www.flashgamingsummit.com/award s.html
(Please note Newgrounds puts spaces in some links - don't just copy/paste! Make sure the link doesn't have unwanted spaces.)
Click on that link, then click on Vote For Your Favorite! BTTC1 is top of the list.
Thanks in advance! Fingers crossed, we might win something and soar to the skies with newly inflated egos!
With much love,
The Castle What is Edible
PS: Back to the Cubeture 2 is really coming along. And it's *so* exciting. Almost too exciting.
Vote? More like.. mowed! But I also voted.